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Women’s Ministry
Women’s lives being transformed through the power of the spirit. To challenge women to discover a greater sense of purpose; through self-development, training, and fellowship opportunities. To be supportive of the ministry through intensive prayer, mentoring and service to God’s people.Ministry Presidents: Minister Rosaline Stevens, Evangelist Florence Calnick and Sister Ruthanne Dawson.
Missions & Evangelism Ministry
Scripture: ‘Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost’ Matthew 28:19. To spearhead efforts to evangelize the local and international community for Jesus Christ. Efforts will include providing training for membership on soul winning and providing opportunities for evangelism endeavors. Minister Angus Matthew and Missionary Ingrid Johnson
Music & Choir Ministry
Scripture: “Give unto the LORD the glory due unto his name; worship the LORD in the beauty of holiness.” Psalms 29:2. To usher in the Spirit of the Lord through song; to set the atmosphere for worship during worship and special services.
Media Communications Ministry
To assist in the technical support services for worship and special services of the Refuge Temple Ministry. Technical support services include audio, video and screens ministries. Additionally, to inform members and supporters of the ministry of upcoming events and accomplishments through a quarterly newsletter. The Media Team aims to bring a creative edge to the services through innovative media functionality. Part of the role of this team is to produce the “Refuge Bulletin” for the weekly announcements, display the words to songs on the large screens for congregational worship and to display scriptural references to accompany the message.
The Mission
MOR is focused to bring unity among the brethren through biblical study, discipleship, and recreational activities. “Endeavoring to keep the Unity of the Spirit in the bond of Peace” – Ephesians 4:3
M.O.R – Men of Refuge Temple Ministry President: Minister Donnie Baker / Assistant: Minister Greg Castro
The Vision
MOR is for every man to have a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ through an effective men’s ministry in every aspect. MOR is more than just a group, but men making a commitment to meet, discuss, and hold each other accountable in their walk with Jesus Christ.
Other Ministries
Youth Ministry: Evangelist Faye Randall, Minister Helianne Duke, Brother Delvin Johnson & Sister Ruth-Anne Dawson
Sunday or Church School: Superintendent Evangelist Angela Daniels /Assistant Elder Steve Andrews Minister and Dr. Sharon Christian
Usher Board President: Jr.Missionary Jacqueline Frazier
Welcome Committee President: Sister Michelle Blackwood
Missionary President: Minister Joy Wright
Deacon Board President: Deacon Cyril Wright / Ass. Deacon Clive Duke
Media Ministry: Deacon Clive Duke, Minister Nadia Wollery
Missions Ministry: Minister Agnus Matthew, Missionary Ingrid Johnson